Sunday, July 7, 2019

Army of Darkness: Furious Road #6 (re-post)

Army Of Darkness: Furious Road #6

Written by Nancy A. Collins

Art by Kewber Baal

Lettered by Schimerys Baal

Colored by Simon Bowland

                Ash, Michael (Frankenstein’s Monster), and Eva (Daughter of Dracula) hold fast in a Buddhist temple, attempting to prepare a ritual from the Necronomicon Ex Mortis to end the Deadite threat on Earth for good. There are two slight problems, though. First, Dracula has arrived, though badly injured from stepping onto the temple’s sacred ground. Second, Evil Ash’s army of deadites has surrounded the temple and outnumber our heroes by a vast margin, despite having their own army of highly trained monks. The final battle’s about to get groovy.

                I admit, I was a little disappointed when I realized this was more of a Mad Max pastiche featuring Army of Darkness than an actual crossover. The logistics of such an event would boggle the mind by itself. However, I commend Nancy A. Collins for pulling off perhaps the closest approximation of the premise that one could conceive. It is Mad Max-ish in style, if nothing else. The heroes drive around in souped up cars and even Ash’s battle wagon makes an appearance. It’s also post-apocalyptic in nature, with society breaking down not because of gas shortages or unrest but by demons basically running amok because of some big-chinned doofus.

                This final issue brings a rip-roaring blood-soaked adventure to a thrill-ride conclusion. The artwork from Kewber Baal breathes life into this battle of the dead with each hit and shove given weight. Each expression showcasing emotions appropriately, from Eva’s determination tainted with uncertainty, to Dracula’s disgust at the possibility of Michael and Eve being together, to even Ash practically shipping them right in her father’s face. The action is intense and gory like any Army of Darkness story should be. But there’s also something humorous about Dracula giving a “King of The Vampires” speech while poking out a deadite’s eyes.

                The interactions with the characters stays consistent and tight throughout the story. Dracula’s consternation and outrage at Evil Ash’s slaying of his brides and Ash’s impudence when they fight over who gets to kill their common foe is a nice treat in itself. He is a serious threat, but he’s never so serious as to make the story one-sided, seeing as he’s been on Holy ground the entire issue and smoldering to near death as a result. By the time of the climax, Dracula does his best to do right by his daughter and Ash once again finds his fate tied to the Necronomicon in a manner that leaves many things, to coin a phrase, up in the air.

                Perhaps, throughout this whole story, the one interaction I found myself drawn to the most was Michael and Eva. It’s clear they care about each other and have a shared passion for monster slaying. On top of that, they just look so damned cute together. I’d have gladly followed a series with just those two trying to save the last vestiges of humanity in a monster-ridden world. If there is such a series and I don’t know about it, I’d love to be pointed in its direction.

                Despite the Necronomicon being a plot point as well as Evil Ash being the main villain of the story, Ash, himself, is mostly here as a body to spout one-liners and because it’s the Necronomicon Ex Mortis involved in more bloody shenanigans. He is The Chosen One and it shows through clearly with his aptitude for killing screwheads and battling Evil Ash. It’s a decent continuation of the story, for certain, and I am curious as to where Ash goes from here, but overall he seems like an add-on even though the story features him prominently.

                Army of Darkness: Furious Road #6 is a fun and enjoyable entry into the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness franchise of stories with good, solid art and an action-packed story with interesting side characters and Ash being the groovy god of blundering badassery that we all know and love.

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